Homework: Harmful or Helpful?

Mathematics homework

Mathematics homework (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The homework debate has been raging for many decades, with no end in sight.  On one hand there are the proponents of homework who swear by its benefits and efficacy, and on the other hand we have the detractors who would like schools to end the practice of giving homework to students.  Among the proponents there is also the burning question of just how much homework should be given to students. Parents, educators, students and indeed the general public have all been deeply divided over the homework issue for a long time.  It seems as though the numbers of detractors are slowly growing.  Some schools in the United States and elsewhere have a no homework policy.  The French president Francois Hollande proposed a no homework policy last year in his plans for educational reform.  His rationale being that students do not have a level playing field when it comes to the matter of homework, because some have parents who can help them  while others do not.

The experts also disagree over the advantages and disadvantages of homework.  Cooper, Robinson, and Patall (2006), for instance, concluded that there is a positive correlation between the amount of homework students do and their achievement levels.  Other researchers, such as Alfie Kohn and Timothy Naughton, state that there is little or no benefit to giving homework and that it does not really lead to improved academic performance.  Alfie Kohn, (2006), wrote “The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing.” Even the title is eloquent.

Let us consider the pros and cons of homework and then make an informed decision and recommendation about its value.


  • Homework helps to  consolidate and clarify what was learned during the school day.
  • It gives practice with content, concepts and skills.
  • Homework improves performance in standardized tests.
  • It is an extension of classwork that allows students to achieve mastery of the content or skills to be learned.
  • Students do not have enough time during the day to fully understand all the information they are given.
  • Homework facilitates rote learning.
  • It  lets parents see what their children are doing at school.
  • Homework teaches self-discipline, time management and research skills.
  • It reduces time for TV and video games and promotes good study habits.
  • It increases interest in schoolwork when it is corrected quickly.


  • Homework must be corrected quickly or students get frustrated and lose interest.
  • It can be too burdensome and stressful at times.
  • Homework disturbs family life and prevents students from doing household chores.
  • Parents or relatives may do the homework for the student.
  • Students need time to relax, play and pursue sports and hobbies.
  • Homework can make students too tired after a long day at school.
  • It keeps them up too late at night.
  • Homework is often meaningless busywork which does not promote real learning.
  • Students from middle- and upper-class homes have better resources to help them with homework.

After examining the pros and cons where do you stand on the homework issue?  What would you add to the debate?

On the strength of 39 years of experience as an educator I firmly believe in the efficacy of homework.  I know that more homework equates to better academic performance.  I have seen it countless times.  I wish to sound a note of caution though.  Care must be taken to ensure that homework is relevant and linked to vital learning objectives at all times.  It must be designed to deepen students’ understanding, and facilitate mastery of the material to be learned.

Finally, teachers should not overburden students with homework.  There should always be reasonable homework timetables or schedules and homework should be age appropriate.  In elementary schools homework should be light.  It can be increased in secondary school on a sliding scale as the student progresses through the school.  It can range from one hour or a little less per night in the lower school, to three hours or a little more per night in the upper school.

When no written homework is given, students should be encouraged to review the important elements of the day’s work or do additional reading as self-given homework.  They need to understand that they are largely responsible for their own academic progress.  When a student is absent from school he should contact a classmate to get the homework and do it .

201 thoughts on “Homework: Harmful or Helpful?

  1. Well i guess we have some disagreement here. After 33 years as an educator and watching children and families grow and evolve, I have seen children wilt under a heavy burden of school work.
    We are beginning to see the research on the importance of play. Play, not only for children, but also for adults. Have you seen any of Grays’ work on the subject?


    • Thanks for your interest in my blog. No, I have not seen any of Grays’ work on this subject, but I believe that there must be a balance between school work and home activities. Although I believe in the efficacy of homework, I agree with you that a burdensome level of homework would be counterproductive and undesirable.


  2. I am a former sixth grade teacher. I found homework effective in manageable doses (both for myself and my students). Independent practice is likely the most important part of learning. One of the biggest problems comes when students do not attend to lessons. They take the work (and their excuses) home and frustrate concerned parents. These parents are often unable to assist.


    • home work is
      H half
      O of
      M my
      E enery
      W wasted
      O on
      R random
      K knowledge
      its not homework
      its hom(EW)ork
      essay is good
      but homework should be abolished


    • {6th Grader}Homework is really unfair, I am a middle school-er and I get around 2-5 assignments most days, sometimes more. I think we shouldn’t have homework since school already uses an average of 8 hours a day but with homework? It’s just to much. We also need family time. I feel like giving up on school because of the amount of homework I get. I just started 6th grade and I stress out so much, when I’m having fun I remember the amount of homework I have and I just explode. I don’t concentrate enough while at home either since there are so much things to do. I keep getting bad grades because of my homework are it really isn’t fair mostly because I want to have fun when I get home from a long day of school but remember the loads of homework and stress out. Instead of getting homework I would suggest none at all or expand the days of school for more work. I’m beginning to lose my motivation in doing homework when I think about it. Could someone at least get rid of homework as a law or something?! I’ve stressed out more then I do my homework and I’m only in 6th grade! I spend half of my life on going to school then homework then just grow up and work for even more work? This curriculum is messed up, since I’m only a 6th grader someone fix this freaking problem. ”Homework’s good for you.” Yeah right, homework only messes up your opinions of school and makes you wanna quit. Plus it just adds stress. Now that it’s 2015 homework is not how is was back in 1990. So the adults don’t know how hard this generation is. My grades are a HUGE mess because of homework. I’m not trying to say I’m lazy or anything but when homework interferes with my home life I basically give up when my homework’s in front of me, which it is at the moment. I do want to get good grades, I really do but this is too much for some people to handle. Don’t expect your standards to make everyone pass. Just saying. If you hate me for saying this go ahead I’m saying this through a computer so its much easier and you don’t know who I am so I don’t care anymore. I’m actually pretty smart in class but homework is stupid. I say as a fact. There are more reasons that homework shouldn’t be allowed than if it should. Homework doesn’t help me at all, studying does. I can write a 5 page essay of why homework shouldn’t be allowed in school. It should just be extra-credit or a reference sheet.


      • I can tell from your comments that you are very smart. Homework is an integral part of most school curricula and that will not change in the near future. You admit that you get bad grades because you do not always do your homework. It stresses you out. In other words, you can easily improve your grades by doing more homework. Be realistic. Many people would also oppose your suggested extension of the school day as an alternative to homework. I would agree that teachers should not give too much homework, but a reasonable amount of homework is useful and necessary. Try to accept this in order to improve your grades.


      • very nice i am in 7th grade and is too stressed out no family time anymore and when with my friends i always have to be leaving my friends and go do homework, its not fair education is useless if we have to much stress


  3. I don’t think you read Cooper et al. (2006) carefully enough and/or you are being intentionally misleading. Kohn and Cooper are not, as you claim, experts that disagree. Cooper et al. help make Kohn make his point. They found a weak correlation between performance and homework amount, up to 10 min/grade/night (i.e. 2 hrs for 12th grader) for upper grade students, and weaker-to-no correlation for younger students (i.e. none for grade schoolers). Moreover, they found a negative correlation for more homework than the 10 min/grade/night (i.e. more homework is harmful).

    The 1-3+ hours/night you recommend ranges from useless, past slightly helpful, and right on to harmful, according to the experts.


    • Many experts disagree on the homework issue. I have tried to be as balanced as possible in giving the pros and cons. I definitely lean towards the benefits of homework because of my experience as an educator over a period of 39 years. Thanks for your detailed contribution relative to the findings of the experts mentioned above. I am aware that the amount of homework given per night is another sore point for many people. I agree that we must be careful not to overburden our students, but I think that homework still has a legitimate place in the educational system.


  4. Pingback: Homework: Harmful or Helpful? | Homework | Scoo...

  5. Pingback: Homework: Harmful or Helpful? | Is Homework Hel...

  6. Although homework enforces memorization of information lectured in school, I believe that many students rarely take any interest in the subjects taught and homework becomes ineffective. Because of this, their thirst for knowledge is only for passing the tests temporarily and homework has simply become an extra chore, rather than an extension on learning the materials.
    In other words:
    “Half of my energy wasted on random knowledge wasted on random knowledge.” (That was pretty funny.)
    My two cents is that homework does have its purpose in reinforcing materials taught in class, but it can go out of hand when it simply becomes excessive to the point that it’s affecting physical or mental health.


    • You have made an incisive contribution to this discussion. I think that your statement “….Because of this, their thirst for knowledge is only for passing the tests temporarily and homework has simply become an extra chore, rather than an extension on learning…,” is true of many students today. This is regrettable.


    • Thanks for taking the time to write your comments. I realize that many people are opposed to homework. That is why this discussion is necessary. At least you agree that homework has some positives.


  7. Although not a huge fan of homework, I agree on the relevance issue. Too often homework is assigned simply because of school policy or because time ran out during lesson time. Homework should be, ( in my humble opinion) a natural extension of what has happened in the classroom. The child’s curiosity/ interest in the topic should be what is being poked by way of the homework set.


  8. Random Fact that is probably not true: MS kids who do 60-90 min of HW and HS students who do 2 hours of hW score less than average on standardized tests.


  9. I’m currently a sophomore in high school and, contrary to what most people my age would say, I believe homework is extremely beneficial when teachers give relevant homework, not busy work. The majority of my classes are advanced, many of them being AP classes, and I rarely fully understand everything covered in class by the end of the school day. Homework gives me the chance to really master everything I can or find out specifically what it is I don’t understand so I can get help. If the homework is to read say, the next act of Hamlet, then I can read it as slowly and as thoroughly as I need, and therefore better understand the teacher’s lecture the next day. The only problem here is when I consistently have over 3 hours of homework per night. By the time there gets to be this much homework, I do not have time to participate in sports, cook dinner, clean up AND complete all of the schoolwork at the level of understanding it takes to make it beneficial. I think other students need to keep this in mind as they plan their classes for their 4 years of high school and as they sign up for extra after-school activities, so that they don’t ever end up with so many advanced classes that they have an overload of homework.


    • Alex, I thank you specially for your thoughtful contribution to the homework debate. The fact that you are a student makes it even more powerful. I hope that other students will pay close attention to everything you have said.


  10. Its really about what kind of person you are. I’m writing an easy about homework. Some people might easily get stressed out. Other kids or students would prefer the extra time to study or try harder to understand what they are learning in class.

    It also depends on what kind of homework your teachers hands out to you. If it is a daily thing, I think that students should try to get used to it. But if the homework is almost point less, well than i would understand why there would be some complaining.

    the one thing i don’t agree with is the fact that it might me able to increase family time. Parents might lose control if there kids don’t understand how there PARENTS are trying to explain there homework; rather than just doing it the their teacher taut them how to do it.


  11. Pingback: Homework: Harmful or Helpful? | Homework Manuel...

  12. Homework? ITs a practise! Well, if the teacher just give us less homework, we won’t have any more debates right? Less homework will allow us to complete it in a short period of time and conclude what we have learnt, further more, we will have more time to relax, but not staying at home with homework! So i think, homework is necessary but too much is not good, just a little that allow us to complete within 45 minutes i think its useful and just fine! : )


    • What you prescribe for homework is quite interesting. However, the length of time students should spend doing homework depends on the age of the students and the nature of the examinations for which teachers are preparing them. Too much homework and too little homework are both bad.


  13. I am only a child but I made some analysis and pointers about Homework.
    So I think why many people debates on homework is because first some schools often gives us lots of homework that took away our time at home, hence, relaxing never appear in the children’s dictionary, relax? What’s that? And homework also took away the time for us to bond with our family, the relationship between the child and the family may be further and further, if children spent too much time on homework, we may also be ended up not even communicating with parents! Thirdly, outdoor activities are not what the children does when they gets home, they had to rush with the homework! So the children’s fitness level as well as their health may keep low, we need to exercise!
    So, what I think the school should do?
    1. Gives us lesser homework, so we have the time to relax and bond with our family! And children wont get tired about studies! And its useful that way.
    2. Gives us work that are in a more interesting way. For example, having some online homework, or even some online games that allow us to study, or , this is what my teachers do, have some pair work. Teachers can also let us do some mindmap or powerpoints, or for science, some experiments!
    Sorry about the many grammatical errors, im bad at English, :p ☺


    • Thanks for your contribution to this debate. You have made some useful points and I agree with you. Homework should not be excessive and it should be meaningful. It is always helpful to know what students think.


  14. Hello? Sitting in front of the computer is not going to solve the problem! You guys should suggest the ideas to the teachers and other people! Oh, i agree with what Jerry say.


    • Teachers also read the blogs and contribute to the debates. Hopefully, some of them will modify their homework practices to make them more effective and relevant for students, without taking up too much of their spare time and family time.


  15. Thank you for sharing your opinion regarding this aggressive topic. I have read/thought about this multiple times and have realized that almost all of these informative articles are in the perspective of an educator or parent. My point is: What do the students think about homework? The majority would probably think that homework is a waste of time and should be banned. Although, some may like the possible challenges and skills that homework consists of. Now I have to admit that I’m a middle school student myself, and receive around 2 hours of homework a night. Don’t you think this is unreasonable for a middle schooler? I do realize that homework carries on the previous lessons of the school day, but I feel that the amount of stress exerted on the children is just not worth it. I personally can’t find any help at home because my parents were taught a different way from today, so what if I’m struggling? Sure, I can try to get extra help the next day in class, but I end up falling behind. I barely see my family anymore because of the busy schedule in the afternoon. I have wanted to actually quit sports/activities because I don’t want to be doing homework at 11:00 at night (which I can assure you a lot of the sporty kids endure). This can result in health issues. My age group is supposed to be getting around 10 hours of sleep each night, I barely get 8. Furthermore, I loved school in elementary school! Now, I’m bored at school and dreading going to school. Although you state above that homework can improve test scores, other researches state the opposite. That homework, in fact, does NOT improve test scores. I can agree that the amounts of homework given is too much and instead of banning all homework, my proposal is to ban homework on weekends/holidays/vacations, while middle schoolers get around 1hr each night. I think that is reasonable to allow children rest, relaxation, and family time!


    • Thanks for giving us your point of view as a student. Your comments are very impressive. I understand your concern about the volume of homework. This is always a controversial topic. Talk to your teachers about falling behind in your work and about being bored at school. They may be able to meet your specific needs or recommend someone who can help you. Your proposal is interesting but it may not always be practical. However, I agree with you that too much homework is not good.


  16. I am an eighth grade science teacher and I personally am a firm believer in the benefit of homework. With that being said I also strongly believe that homework should have a clear decisive purpose and I personally only give out one to two max homework assignments per week. I use the method of having the students clear their desk of everything but their homework and trusty red pen. We go over the homework together and the students correct their work. This time is very valuable for many reasons: some students are not good test takers but their homework helps their grade and the ability to show mastery of the content, it gives instant feedback to the students on what skills/knowledge they are lacking, it allows me feedback on what skills/knowledge need to be re-taught, it allows me multiple chances of asking higher order thinking questions by making the students justify their answers, and finally for some students homework is the only time they review over the content material before a test.


    • Thanks for taking the time to explain your homework rationale and system to us. Your approach certainly promotes student mastery of the required content and skills, and it allows students to construct their own knowledge and understanding in a collaborative way. I note that you are very careful not to give burdensome amounts of homework.


  17. I’m an 8th grade student (officially on 8/25/14) and I like all the views that you’ve made to the subject of whether homework is beneficial or not (I search this stuff up during my summer vacation/free time) and this is definitely one of the most interesting views I’ve read on this subject.
    There are advantages and disadvantages to homework that I can see. On occasion it does help me understand the subject. It can also be fun, depending on what subject it is.
    However, if given to me continuously, I will lose interest in the subject. It can also be too much to where I’m at the point of crying and throwing it away and going with the lamest excuse like, “My dog ate it.”
    It can be both good and bad.


  18. Pingback: Homework | A Project for Kindness

  19. I am a student in 8th grade. I firmly believe that most homework is bad for us students because most of it is not what i and many other people would call educational. For example, i have to write a 2 page essay about my memories of a field trip our school did. I would much rather have a simple, straightforward assignment. Maybe it’s just me, but i don’t see any real benefit in homework like this. I would much rather write a 5 page essay about an important historical event or something like that simply because from my point of view its a much more beneficial way to spend our time “away” from school.

    The sum it all up, i believe that homework, when about a topic that is clearly academically beneficial, is good for students, assuming that it doesn’t take too long for students to do it. I believe that when homework is about an irreverent topic and is assigned in tons at a time it can be very harmful to us students.

    Thanks for taking your time to read this, have a nice day!


  20. Homework comes in two flavors. Either the kid already understands it so the homework is tedious and repetitive or they don’t understand it and they just get frustrated. It should be reserved for only things that require memorization or for reading lessons ahead of time to be more prepared for class discussion.


  21. In my experience (Which is quite a bit less than your 39 years), the only students who really need homework are the ones struggling in class, and to the rest it only serves to stress them. Even if homework does help people, it only works when they actually do it, and the fact that there is usually nobody to enforce that usually leads to then writing random answers, or not doing it at all. In addition, Struggling students should have someone to help them while they do the homework, and in my case, but probably not with everyone, my parents can’t help very often, and they usually only can when I don’t need it. Students need free time, its common knowledge that when you do the same thing too much, it gets boring, repetitive, and you tend to stop liking it, no matter what it is. With homework, not many people like it, but if there was a good amount assigned, which many schools don’t do, it would be less like a chore. Homework also seems to lead to bad attitudes, and disliking of school in general. As is the case with me, and almost all my friends, homework is by far the worst part of school. And to the people saying we shouldn’t be talking to random people on the internet, and we should tell the teachers, many teachers will change nothing, even when faced with overwhelming evidence. I would much rather be talking to someone who will pay attention to what we say, and is actually able to make a difference, than waste time trying to convince our teachers.

    So what this all sums down to, is that homework is not the problem, and is actually beneficial, but teachers usually give too much, leaving no time for free time, leading to negative attitudes among students, which has negative results


    • Thanks for your detailed and extremely interesting comments on homework. You have pointed out several of the complexities of homework and you have given us much food for thought. I note that you think that homework is beneficial. Let us wait and see how readers respond to your ideas.


  22. Homework is a waste of time and money…yea money because im wasting money on pencils, lead, erasers, and my ….. heart. My heart is expensive, i demand that homework should just disappear from this world, its just a waste of time. It does not even help kids it just makes them stupid if anything. Thank You!


  23. I think homework is very helpful. I am a teen my self and I have struggled but now I’m practicing and it helps a lot with my grades. I think it also helps with memory skills because when you think about it, all the subjects you have learned since kindergarden are building up and up on what you already know. so home work is very helpful if you ask me even if most kids don’t like it at all and complain about how they wish homework didn’t exist.


  24. Pingback: 1/6/15 | Mrs. Ludwig

  25. “It reduces time for TV and video games and promotes good study habits.” It also reduces the amount of time children can spend socialising, a far more important thing.


  26. Hi everyone thx for the information about home work, I am writing a piece for my class about how homework can be harmful to many people just like how that girl suffered from anorexia.


  27. homework is not helpful. it is harmful. I am a 7th grader and I do well in school (A’s) and I m using this article for a persuasive essay in English. I’m going to tell you my agenda for the week just so you understand how idiotic homework is.
    20 page report due next week on the middle ages- topic weapons and armor in medieval Europe
    7 paragraph persuasive essay due next week
    science timeline due Thursday
    5 source reviews for the English essay due tomorrow
    Spanish dialog memorized and finished being written- its about 2 pages
    3 math worksheets 2 of which are doing irrelevant repetitive problems
    and I am so surprised that people can like something that can cause me to feal like everything is unimportant and stupid
    sience junior high I haven’t had barely any time to do something I actually enjoy
    btw I play soccer rugby and I surf and im leaving for rugby in 5 minutes and im so screwed because I probably have 3 hours of homework and ill be up till 11 o clock and be super tired tomorrow and not understand what im learning in school and be confused on homework
    u must be a terrible person to like watching kids suffer


    • I have said that care must be taken not to give too much homework. School administrators can create homework timetables which dictate how much homework can be given, and in which subjects, each night during the week and on weekends. That way, the amount of homework given will be limited and more reasonable.


  28. To add to the cons list:

    – Homework is usually glanced at by teachers, then students are told to put it away.
    – I’ve seen this countless times: Students develop disorders such as anxiety and depression.
    – Homework makes students more irritable and easily annoyed.
    – Homework has a negative effect on student grades when not completed, but rarely helps student grade when completed.
    – Homework makes it more difficult to develop social skills that students will use in the real world, since they are constantly shut indoors.

    I think that homework only benefits some. I have yet to see the data telling me that homework helps as much as educators say. I believe this is mostly due to the fact that the education system, instead of reducing the amount of homework, is gradually increasing it. Researcher say that students should only have 10 to 15 minutes of homework a day. I would have to agree, not because it’s easier, but because it’s more effective to take your time on a short page of questions than to speed through a packet of questions. It gives you more time to think and to process information, as well as to prefect your strategies. However, it was refreshing to see your thoughts on it and hear about your experience with children and homework.


  29. Pingback: Should parents help with homework?? | Sammychis

  30. I’m currently writing a Position Essay for my English class about whether homework is harmful or actually good. I found this post very helpful, especially because of the fact that you not only provided both your opinion and reasons for it, but you also gave the other side of the story. I found that I agreed with your conclusion. I think that necessary and purposeful homework is beneficial. I’ve seen this in my own personal experiences (I am currently in high school) especially for math because we don’t have enough time in class to really do any in-class work to practice what we learned. However, I’ve often stayed up past eleven to complete homework. I have to get up really early. I end up really groggy and I can’t remember how to do the homework that I have that next day. So too much is bad. I could get up to two hours to three hours of homework on any given night(almost four hours on the week end), but I think that I get more because I’m in advanced classes. But this calls into question, how much is too much, even for the advanced classes? Where’s the bottom line?


  31. Creo que la tarea es una mierda. Es una mierda tan mal. Everday que debo llenar los deberes lloro. # Tristeza sabes lo que quiero decir hombre. La vida fuera tan duro, Gritos en el dormitorio con mi único amigo, mi lápiz


  32. I fill that homework should be abolished some kids don’t get homework and still have the highest test schools in the school.☺☻


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